In Jesus
In a society where the lines of moral values are constantly being redefined, FaithKids knows that children need to be taught how to stand strong in the Lord and depend on the power of the Holy Spirit to live the truth of God’s Word, even when the pressures of their peers may try to teach them otherwise. In addition, children are trained to be lights for Christ in a dark world by sharing the Gospel, helping to change lives within their sphere of influence. Throughout the year, FaithKids also express their love for God and others as they serve through evangelistic outreaches.
Sunday Mornings
11:00 am
In a safe and nurturing environment, FaithKids meets every Sunday at 70 Winthrop Place, Staten Island, NY 10314, where toddlers through 12 years celebrate Jesus beginning with praise and worship followed by the teaching of God’s Word.
Always Safe

- Parents will sign their child into their FaithKids classroom beginning at 10:30am.
- Children with any symptoms of cold (cough or runny nose), flu, virus or any communicable illness will not be permitted to FaithKids.
- First time visitors will complete a visitor's form and list all allergies and special needs information.
- You and your child will receive matching ID bracelets with your children's name and ID number.
- Immediately following service, you will sign your child out of FaithKids.
Always Secure
- If your child needs a diaper change, your child's number will appear on the monitors in the sanctuary during service. Please come immediately to the toddler's room to bring them to the bathroom. A changing table is available in the handicapped/family bathroom.
- For children in Elementary school, an assistant will escort them to the bathroom and wait outside the bathroom to escort them back into children church.