People Matter
Every person is valuable to God and to us; therefore, we are eager to treat everyone with dignity and respect, encourage everyone to experience God's forgiveness, and serve everyone with love and grace.
Truth Empowers
We are passionate about God’s Word having final authority in life and ministry. We stand in awe of the power of the Holy Spirit knowing that true empowerment for living cannot be achieved apart from developing a spirit-formed life.
Character Counts
We understand that ministry flows out of being, not just programs; therefore, the quality and reach of our ministry to others is directly related to the depth of our own personal character.
Excellence Wins
We thrive on being better tomorrow than we were today. We’re determined to exceed expectations, go the extra mile, battle mediocrity, resist irresponsibility, and serve with gladness. Whatever our hand finds to do, we will do it with all our might while serving God and others. We endeavor to do our best and make it happen.
Compassion Heals
Jesus connected with people. He knew their story, saw their misery, felt their pain, healed their wounds, and changed their lives. He was moved with compassion. Like Christ, we will notice people around us and willingly step into their world. We will set aside indifference, personal feelings, inconvenience, and apathy. We will respond with empathy, kindness, the power of prayer, and mercy. We believe in the miracle working power of God to transform lives. This is how healing begins.
Hope Rescues
What is greatly needed in our communities today is hope. Many people live in quiet desperation and some in utter despair. Their lives are overwhelmed by personal tragedies, broken families, relentless addictions, and hardships of every kind. We believe the Church is a beacon of hope and a city on a hill, carrying the truth of Christ, extending the love of Christ, and interceding for the power of Christ. As the Church, our lives together will be centered around knowing and following the Word of God, giving sacrificially, and living together in a way that is compelling to others around us.